Donate your Zakat/ Fitrana & Sadqa to Dawat-e-Islami: Bank Transfer | Bank: Lloyds | Account Name: Dawat-e-Islami UK | Sort Code: 30-97-73 | Account No: 43634968 | IBAN:GB28LOYD30977343634968 | BIC: LOYDGB21087 | Donate over Phone: Call 01274 442612 Our Mission Statement "I must Strive to reform my self and the people of the entire world".

Istikhara Service by Dawat-e-Islami UK

Free of Cost

Istikhara services offered by Dawat-e-Islami UK

We do not have any contact numbers other than those mentioned beow:

For Brother Only: 01274 733578
WhatsApp Istikhara Service for Sisters Only: 07535 155711 (text message only)

Please note: ALL istikhara and spiritual cures services offered by Dawat-e-Islami UK are free of charge and always have been.